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  • janenewaudby

What a place to live

Let's face it, the weather in the Scottish Highlands can be atrocious. Some winters can start in mid summer and can involve weeks of gales and driving rain. But then the sun comes out, and it feels like the most optimistic and beautiful place in the whole world. I can't think why I would want to live anywhere else. For most of my life, I have been surrounded by houses and roads and shops - a man made anthill of concrete and litter and human indifference. Being infinitely adaptable creatures, these urban places become familiar, and even necessary. How can anyone survive without supermarkets, taxis, takeaways, restaurants, emergency services, buses and trains all on the doorstep. We forget what is on the other side, where the weather changes the day in such dramatic ways. Here, when the sun comes out, we try and drop everything and we come out of hibernation and wonder how lucky we are. Its not just us; all the other creatures do the same. The birds are starting to feed themselves up, and the doormice are scampering through the garden. Lizards are basking and bumble bees are feeding loudly on the flowers. Its hard to believe that winter can be back in a flash, but all life up here is just madly enjoying the moment.

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