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  • janenewaudby


I have a first public sale coming up in May. Obviously, this is quite a "big thing". Shed time at the moment is all about creating pieces for the sale and the current waking obsession is how many of each pot to make, in what size, and what finish. Because my work has only ever been seen by a handful of family and friends (always kind), I have no real sense of which items might sell the best. Could it be the carved vessels, or might it be the moon jars. Which size works best? What price shall I sell them at? Basically, I am asking a lot of people a lot of questions right now. Annette my tutor said I should aim for 50 pots in total, but I am still unsure of how the various designs will be distributed across that number. The other conundrum is that the pit fired moon jars look great in a little group, but I am assuming that most people won't want to pay for more than one pot. So this weekend, I decided to have a go at "miniatures", starting with little 200g pots and going up in scale. As you can see, they do look extremely cute. Maybe this could be the multiple pot solution. Watch this space.

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